
What are TOP 3 PICKS?

We analyze your favorite tasting notes from the Picks App to help you find your perfect bottle. We’ve generated your top matching bottles based on your specific taste profile derived from real tastings you have done in the app. As you continue to add tasting reviews, we’ll get better and better at making recommendations for you. Check back here often for your latest top matching bottles.


What are MATCHES?

We analyze your tasting reviews to determine your unique detailed taste profile, and then we compare you to the crowdsourced taste profiles of bottles from the community. Our algorithms calculate how much you and the bottles in our shop match, making shopping for a bottle you are bound to love a breeze! As you do more tastings in the app and your tastes evolve, so will your match scores! Check back often as your tastes evolve.


Conduct tastings in the Picks App to generate matches!

Want to see your Matches! Get started by downloading our app, grab any bottle you have at home and log some tastings. We’ll begin building a taste profile for you and you’ll start getting matched!

Already have the app? Click “JOIN / LOGIN” in the menu using your app account email to get your matches.


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How To Start Getting Picks

1. Download

Click GET THE APP in the menu and download Picks from the Apple App Store.

2. Taste Stuff

Perform a tasting review of any spirit or wine you have at home or bottle you already bought from us.

3. Get Picks

Start automatically receiving free picks from us that match your exact taste profile. The more you taste the more accurate our picks for you become.

4. Ship to Your Door

Add your picks to your cart and ship them direct to your door.

Watch Our Video

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Introducing, Picks Packs™

Get ready to elevate your tasting experience! Our new Picks Packs bring together the latest in technology and community to bring you the ultimate blind tasting experience. Scan the QR code, taste and rate the sample, and unlock the mystery of what you just tried. Join us in fine-tuning your palate and discovering your new favorite bottle!

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Examine the crowd taste profile of any spirit, wine, or user.

Enter the name of any spirit, wine or Picks App user to dive down into the details of the taste profiles developed automatically from the crowd’s aggregated tasting reviews of the Picks App community.

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Compare yourself to any bottle to know if you're a match, with this AI tool.

See how compatible or similar any two spirits, wines, or Picks App users taste profiles are and see their match % instantly. Use this tool at a restaurant when deciding what to drink, or at a store, making your next bottle purchase an easy win. Or use it to see how similar you are to your tasting buddy.

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Discover your next favorite bottle with the help of our bottle finder tool.

Leveraging crowdsourced aggregated tasting data from Picks App users places unprecedented power at your fingertips. Now you can filter our shop down to specific taste notes or attributes you are looking for in your next bottle. Taking the guesswork out of finding a bottle you’ll enjoy.

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Our AI will generate bottle picks for you, based on your reviews and the community.

See bottles that match your exact taste profile instantly. Matches get more accurate as our app learns your taste profile with the more tasting reviews you do. Don’t have the app yet? That’s okay, just enter any spirit or wine you love, and see similar bottles based on its crowdsourced taste profile.

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Discover and keep track of your favorite spirits and wines by contributing tasting reviews to our community. The Picks App has powerful analytics working in the background to generate matches of new bottles for you to try based on your exact taste profile. Our algorithms curate for you personalized recommendations by analyzing your favorite tastes and dislikes. The more tasting reviews you do, the more accurate our picks for you become!