
What are TOP 3 PICKS?

We analyze your favorite tasting notes from the Picks App to help you find your perfect bottle. We’ve generated your top matching bottles based on your specific taste profile derived from real tastings you have done in the app. As you continue to add tasting reviews, we’ll get better and better at making recommendations for you. Check back here often for your latest top matching bottles.


What are MATCHES?

We analyze your tasting reviews to determine your unique detailed taste profile, and then we compare you to the crowdsourced taste profiles of bottles from the community. Our algorithms calculate how much you and the bottles in our shop match, making shopping for a bottle you are bound to love a breeze! As you do more tastings in the app and your tastes evolve, so will your match scores! Check back often as your tastes evolve.


Conduct tastings in the Picks App to generate matches!

Want to see your Matches! Get started by downloading our app, grab any bottle you have at home and log some tastings. We’ll begin building a taste profile for you and you’ll start getting matched!

Already have the app? Click “JOIN / LOGIN” in the menu using your app account email to get your matches.


Seeing Double

$31.49Join to get discount

The double-barreled process is a way for whiskey producers to add more flavor, character, age and complexity to their product without waiting for it to age longer. When you look down the whiskey or rum aisle right now, there’s a good chance you’ll find options that have been double-casked—a process where one barrel is emptied and another filled with a spirit that has already spent time in another barrel before being transferred into yet another one for secondary aging. (This practice also helps ensure consistency). This pack includes some of our favorite double-barreled whiskies. Enjoy them—just be careful not to indulge too much, or before you know it, you’ll be seeing double!


What’s in this Picks Pack?

The above pack contains a 50ml taster vial of each of the following bottles!

  • Heaven’s Door Double Barrel Whiskey

    Smooth & Sweet

    Community Score: 7/10

    App Likes: 29

    $53.45Join to get discount
  • Old Forester 1910 Old Fine Whisky

    Creamy & Savory

    Community Score: 8/10

    App Likes: 167

    $62.36Join to get discount
  • Woodford Reserve Double Oaked Bourbon

    Buttery & Savory

    Community Score: 8.1/10

    App Likes: 269

    $64.34Join to get discount


Inside you’ll find everything you need to put your taste buds to the test and learn more about your palate.

Three 50ml sample vials

That’s two pours each vial, enough for two people to enjoy together. Vials are unmarked so you can analyze its taste profile blind without influence or bias.

Conduct blind tastings

Scan the QR code on each vial, taste review and rate the sample in the Picks App and we’ll reveal what it was that you tasted.

Test your palate against what the crowd thinks

Inside the envelope in each pack are cards for each sample vial with taste profile data crowdsourced from the latest Picks App communities’ tastings for that bottle.

Works with the Picks App

A sample tasting box powered by technology and enabled by community; Picks Packs are designed to work with the Picks App. Watch this video to see how the process works.

Learn about your taste profile

Picks Packs are a fun and easy way to build and learn about your unique detailed taste profile. After you taste-review and rate the samples you receive in the packs, we’ll use our algorithms to compare your favorite tastes and dislikes against bottles reviewed by our community to find matches that you’re bound to love. The more tastings you do in the Picks App, the more accurate our picks for you become.